Thursday October 3th 2024 from 19:00 till 21:00

Growth Strategy forSocial Media Advertisingpar Steven Maes

Join us for a Talk by Steven Maes, Founder and Creative Director at Studio Calypso for an Afterwork Talk at Studio Calypso in Paardenmarkt 20, 2000 Antwerp. En savoir plus sur l'exposé ci-dessous. Cet événement est gratuit. En raison de la capacité limitée, votre invitation doit être approuvée.

Une conférence de Steven Maes, fondateur et directeur créatif du Studio Calypso

Quel est le sujet de l'intervention de Steven ?

Social media advertising is essential for businesses to grow and engage their target audience. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and LinkedIn allow brands to reach specific demographics with tailored content. Steven highlights the importance of creating engaging content to boost visibility and build customer loyalty. Social media provides real-time analytics, helping companies refine strategies. Steven urges brands to stay proactive, experiment with ad formats, and adapt to trends, boosting brand presence and long-term growth.
demande d'invitation

Tailored events for entrepreneurs

À qui s'adresse ce discours ?

The talk events cater to entrepreneurs ready to take their ventures to the next level. Those who have already navigated the initial phases of establishing their online businesses will find advanced strategies, insights, and innovative ideas to scale their operations, optimize processes, and expand market reach. The talk is also relevant for those just beginning their social media advertising journey. Aspiring entrepreneurs eager to dive into the digital marketplace will find inspiration and practical guidance. This segment of the audience will benefit from foundational knowledge on trends, essential startup tips, and motivational success stories demonstrating what is possible with the right approach.
demande d'invitation

Une passion pour le partage des connaissances et la recherche de personnes ayant des affinités.

Afterwork Talks at Studio Calypso

Afterwork Talks are a free event series with limited capacity at Studio Calypso in Paardenmarkt 20, 2000 Antwerp. Doors open at 19:00 for drinks. The talk starts each time at 19:30 and takes about 30 minutes. After the talk at 20:00 you are more then welcome to stay for a drink and chat with researchers in the e-commerce market. De la conception stratégique à la maîtrise du succès en ligne, rejoignez-nous pour des discussions perspicaces et des ateliers dirigés par des experts. Explorez les avantages et les inconvénients des différentes plateformes et découvrez celle qui correspond le mieux aux besoins de votre entreprise. Apprenez des approches de pointe pour l'excellence du commerce électronique et percez les secrets d'une croissance durable.
voir toutes les conférences à venir

Upcoming events


Marketing Strategy Essentials for E-commerce Growth Success.

Talk by Valerie Koltsidas, Marketing Strategist at Studio Calypso.

liste d'attente

Brand Design: Approaches for Entrepreneurs

Talk by Hannah Meynen, Graphic Designer at Studio Calypso

liste d'attente

Upcoming events


Unleashing Potential: Social Media Success Strategies

Intervention de Charlotte Van Heurck, stratège en médias sociaux chez Studio Calypso

liste d'attente

Growth Strategy for Social Media Advertising

Intervention de Steven Maes, fondateur et directeur créatif du Studio Calypso

liste d'attente

Spécialement conçu pour les entrepreneurs en herbe

Introducing Edition #1Calypso Magazine

Interviews with the ground base of the Calypso Family, entrepreneurs and mentors talking about their journey, Afterwork Talks at our studio, a free e-commerce guide plus industry tips from an expert panel.

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