The surreal world of Ciel originates from a dream by founder Camille Cigrang. Seeking unique nightwear to match her colorful, 1970s-inspired style, she decided to design her own. Leveraging her background in fashion and luxury, she created the perfect platform for her brand. Inspired by her travels, a love for mid-century modern design, and the women in her life, she launched her first collection.
The surreal world of Ciel originates from a dream by founder Camille Cigrang. Seeking unique nightwear to match her colorful, 1970s-inspired style, she decided to design her own. Leveraging her background in fashion and luxury, she created the perfect platform for her brand. Inspired by her travels, a love for mid-century modern design, and the women in her life, she launched her first collection.
A modern loungewear capsule collection designed for versatility from day to night. Offering styles that provide comfort and confidence for daytime activities and effortlessly transition into relaxation for a restful night.


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